HJH Robotics Team - The Kriptobots

HJH Robotics Team - The Kriptobots

HJH Robotics Team - The Kriptobots

HJH Robotics Team - The Kriptobots

HJH Robotics Team - The Kriptobots

Teacher Incentive Allotment
5 months ago
The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was created by the Texas Legislature as part of House Bill 3 to help recruit, retain, and reward effective educators in the classroom at high needs campuses. The TIA would provide additional funding to eligible teachers who earn local designations through this allotment system. In April 2021, Hearne ISD plans to submit an application to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to participate in this process.
Teacher Incentive Allotment
The Teacher Incentive Allotment goal is to provide a realistic pathway to pay outstanding teachers six-figure salaries. In turn, this will help recruit and retain highly effective teachers and provide incentives for teachers to teach at challenging campuses.
Teacher Eligibility
The teacher must have a valid SBEC certificate. Eligible types of certification include Standard, Professional, and Provisional. Eligible classes of certificates include: Classroom teacher (Chapter 233) and Reading Specialist (Chapter 239). The teacher must be coded 087 (Teacher) per the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) description of codes for 90 days at 100% of the day (equivalent to four and one-half months or a full semester) or 180 days required at 50-99% of the day and compensated for that employment.

TIA Designations
Teachers may receive one of three ratings based on T-TESS and Student Growth Measures: recognized, exemplary, or master. Once district criteria has been developed, a teacher's T-TESS and Student Growth measures will be evaluated based upon the developed rubric. Texas Tech University will verify the process and the validity of the data. If approved, that teacher will receive one of the three ratings listed above, along with the additional state determined compensation for that campus. Also, the designation will be placed on their teaching certificate. A teacher's designation is valid for five years, at which time that teacher will be re-evaluated. Based on performance during the 5-year designation, a teacher can be recommended for a higher designation but not a lower designation. However,if a teacher experiences significant negative changes in performance or employment during this time, compensation can be affected.

District Designations
The local school district will use teacher observation and student performance for evaluating the overall impact of the teacher evaluation. Additionally, the district may include optional components for the local Hearne ISD TIA plan. The district will survey teachers for input on these additional measurements.

District Approval
School districts must submit an application to TEA for approval. Hearne ISD has been placed for consideration in Cohort D. The possible sequence for district approval includes:
· Identifying highly effective teachers using statewide standards.
· TEA & Texas Tech University review applications and evidence and approve district designation systems.
· The district designates teachers. The State places designations on teacher certifications.
· Districts receive state funding to be used primarily for teacher pay. Districts must use at least 90% of the TIA funds on teacher compensation on the campuses where the teachers work.

Teacher Compensation Considerations
Teacher Compensation Considerations
· 90% of funds must be spent on compensation at the campus where the teacher works.
· If a teacher moves to a new district, the money will follow the teacher to the new district regardless of whether the new district has an approved designation in place.
· The district will need to consider and shape a local plan for how to use these funds.
· Districts will complete an attestation form verifying how they used funds to ensure compliance with spending requirements.

Next Steps for Hearne ISD
Next Steps for Hearne ISD
· Inform teachers and community of the TIA plan for application
· Develop criteria for how funds will be allocated.
· Determine how funds will be allocated for staff (90% must be used for compensation on the campus on which the designated teacher works, and 10% can go to other things at the campus or district level).
· Continue meeting with teachers and the District Stakeholder Committee to finalize plans and application.

Timeline for Implementation
Hearne ISD is currently working through the application process to participate in Cohort D of the Teacher Incentive Allotment program. Applications must be filed by April 15, 2021. Components of the planning process are outlined in the Teacher Incentive Allotment Readiness Checklist. If approved, Cohort D will capture data from 2021-2022 and the first allotment year will be 2022-2023.